PhotoHunt Prompt #118 ~ Support
Think of water
And somehow
The idea of support
Rarely comes to mind ~
But strangely
A remarkable array of
May be found in just one place
Pylons for a pier to walk
Ramps for boats to launch
Moorings for boats
Small gangway joining ramp and pier
Powerful lights helping night fisherman
Water's edge
And if a small child
Happens to wander onto the pier
You may be sure
Not too far away
There is a parent or two
With love
Is that a little blue, a little light I see, peeping through the mist? Hope you're having an excellent weekend.
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*
To discover the strength within, it takes a wise tutor to pull one out of shadow.
Wonderful take on support. Great shot of the pier but your words are lingering...
Great picture. Serenity.
Did I read it right -- that the beach is called Safety Beach? If so, is there a story behind this? If so, do please tell it! :)
Good choice for the photohunt this week!
Perfect entry for this week's theme!
BEAUTIFUL photo....absolutely beautiful.
My Photo Hunt is posted. Stop by if you can, would love to have you visit with me. Have a great weekend.
Supoport seems to be dividing between structural support and supportive behaviour. Your songline supports the picture.
Well done.
Those skies look a bit dreary. Great support shot! Happy Hunting.
Mine is here if you have time to stop by.
very nice photo
I love the moodiness of the shot - the grey skies are perfect!
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