Pic by Gemma Wiseman ~ Bent tree at Dromana on Port Phillip Bay
ABC Wednesday ~ Round 3 prompt ~ B is for "bent"
Around the coastline of Mornington Peninsula on Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia there are many strangely shaped tree forms. Sea winds have a rather unique sense of artistry specially reserved for slimly trunked trees.
Bend a little
Sway a little
Turn the bark
Sail a little
Sigh a little
Turn the leaves
Over and
Over and

Pic by Gemma Wiseman ~ Trees hugging the coastline at Mornington
And the coastline round Port Phillip Bay is certainly "bent". Waters crumble gently onto beaches tucked into many nooks and crannies.
Beach a little
Waves a little
Turn the waters

Pic by Gemma Wiseman ~ The Bay around Mornington
Finally, to enjoy the delightful artistry of bent trees on an entrancing, bent coastline, there is the ultimate "bent" walkway to amble and dream by the sea.
Walk a little
Wind a little
Turn reality
Over and
Over and

Pic by Gemma Wiseman ~ Part of the walkway by the sea at Dromana