Poefusion's prompt ~ Inspired by Emily Dickinson's Bring me the sunset in a cup
Seat me in a hammock of sanctuary
Deep in some ancient garden ~
Let me dine on an entree of florals ~
Heady floral shades and tones
Fanned by waves of green
Let me bask in a menu of bird and windsong
With a sidesalad of
Atlantean heavens
May a gelato orchard
Of exotic fruits
Be dessert~
Like sparkling sorbet jewels
On a rainbow flavoured bridge
And may there be a wine
A precious deep wine
Well matured in the darkest recesses
Of my spirit
Waiting to be uncorked
To breathe awhile
In limpid ecstasy
Pour a little of me into the wineglass
And let me enjoy
Being locked
In a wonderland
That is only mine

This is absolutely beautiful. I love the line menu of bird and windsong. Isn't it wonderful when you can find such a place of peace and quiet? Nice job, Gemma. Have a nice day.
I couldn't get your link to work, but managed to get here by clicking on your name.
This is lovely. I like the idea in 'pour me into a wine glass..'
I read your other post. you have done well to have written so many poems this month - it's 17.30 here in the U.k. so it's still Wednesday and I have 1 more to write.
Wow. This is a beautiful poem.
This is a wonderful poem; my favorite image is the hammock of sanctuary. Where can I get one of those?
the whole poem is great,, but this little piece really made it sing....
May a gelato orchard
Of exotic fruits
Be dessert~
Like sparkling sorbet jewels
that is a beautiful place...
that is a beautiful place...
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