The stairs are in Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, NSW.
This walk is hard because the Giant Staircase has 861 steps and it's very steep and narrow in places. Before you descend the Giant Staircase into the Jamison Valley check the time: The last railway up leaves around 4:50pm. Can you make it in time to the other end?
If your answer is a hearty 'yes' you'll now decend some 300 metres into the Jamison Valley below. About halfway down some pityful soul has placed a "Half Way" sign to cheer you up.
Take in the steps and remember that their construction commenced in 1901 but did not finish until 1927. Imagine the working conditions at the Giant Staircase when you look down—what an achievement of that time!
Many moons ago when I was young and daring
I braved the Giant Staircase
From the bottom up!
After hurtling into the valley
In the caged scenic railway
I stepped into a wonderland of ferns
And a spiralling
Staged "lift" ~
Manned solely by me ~
Back up the craggy sandstone mountainside
O yes
The views were spectacular ~
So I believe ~
For I only remember
Stopping to sight a few
When the breath refused to trudge a moment longer ~
My eyes were more intent
Placing one foot
Very carefully
In front of
The other
I now see a larger view ~
When sharp mountains
Were a delightful
Challenge for the spirit ~
When steps
Were just a stubborn means
Of securing dizzy heights
No matter the odds ~
Valleys ~
Lost highway
Of youth

i love the way you almost always provide us with a little lesson incorporated into your post...
this was a walk into nature- awesome feelings!
Everything's lost at some time on the highway of youth.
Good metaphor here.
'Giant's Staircase' reminded me of the 'Giant's Causeway' on the Antrim Coast , Northern Ireland , which is just as scenic.
Really loved the philosophical touch in the end .
Reminds me alot of the walk we take through life.
The stairway of life - excellent and the prose that leads to it is wonderful. Love reading your little bits of backstory!
once upon a time in my youth i would've tackled; today, it would surely kill me!
however, the view must be spectacular!
most enjoyable perspective of the trail.. thanks for the link, info was great...
I want to go try it!
These are some few things that one could do with much ease in youth when you have all the energy and the stamina to endure such a climb.
But have you noticed when the wisdom was incorporated with the experience? In later years of life, in later part of the poem. And that is one of the many things that we gain with age ~ Wisdom.
I wish you well.
~ Jeques
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