Friday 5 ~ caprussule mozzle cack skrey glureon
'Tis now the very cozzling time of night,
When blinkries yark and shells implode in flate
Glureon to the world: I sprout mulden sighs
And do such skitter business as the skrey
Would quake to frizz. So limb close my lover.
O heart, lose not thy cushy; do not shafter
The soul of caprussule to splast and splard:
Let me be not spatural, but mozzle:
I will cack daggers, and carousel none;
My loll and soul in this be systemite;
How in my words goever I be slent
(With apologies to Hamlet's Soliloquy: Tis now the very witching time of night ~ 3.2.380-391)

I'm sure the Bard would be delighted to be paraphrased thusly! ;)
You've not just used the prompt words, you've created a whole new language.
Gemma, this is great stuff. I love it. So many phrases that I like I won't even bother reciting them all here again. Wow. I agree with Watermaid. You've made a whole language here. Spectacular. Have a nice day.
Almost forgot, I think this is my favorite thus far of yours.
what a great idea.. you did this remarkably well!!!!
No need to apologize! You've set the bar high with this one! Love it.
You've turned Shakespeare inside out. a real pleasure to read, full of sparkle and magic. Very clever way to go about writing your poem.
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