O kookie ~
The first time I heard your voice
I had to laugh
Dear kookie ~
The first time I saw you with your mate
I felt your love
I understand kookie ~
Your mate took a long
Long time
To join you
On the branch
She then turned her back on you ~
Did you stay out too long?
O dearest kookie ~
Today you came so close
I almost managed
To feed you by hand
Help me kookie ~
It has been several days ~
Where are you?
My space is so lonely
Without the laughter
Of my kookaburra
O my kookie!
It is so wonderful to have you back ~
But you are alone ~
Your mate?
And you seem to have
A stray feather on your wing?
O dearest kookie~
Today is the best day of my life!
You took food from hand
And just stayed
On the railing ~
We have shared our dawns and our evenings
For quite some months
Dear kookie ~
Just you and I ~
So precious
Is this your family?
A partner
And a baby?
You all want feeding?
I feel a strange kind of sadness ~
Baby kookie has grown
And sometimes visits
But my kookie?
The days are long
Without kookie laughter
Springtime ~
There is so much
Kookie laughter
All round me
I can scarcely think
Without smiling ~
Such a gift
From the first laugh
But my spirit
Still yearns
To know
To feel
Just once more
One very special

we of course do not have "kookies" so i am so thrilled you chose them as your subject...
lovely verses and a great story too....
I like the way they look!
it is like a tale, the last part is quite bittersweet
What a wonderful tribute to the Kookaburra. I love the way you have yourself immersed in conversation with them. And, that picture is simply adorable. I especially liked number seven, by the way. Have a nice day.
Really lovely and delicate use of words, and I love the gentle humour running through the verses!
What a great prompt this has been!
it is a beautiful melodius tune you have written full of wonderful emotions... great response to michelle's 13.. and the photo was so crystal clear capturing the very essence of the kookaberra... having lived in wes australia i can remember sitting out in the middle of nowhere.. the bush... a line of eucalyptus trees and the kkbera singing in the ol gum tree... it has been a long while since rememberin... thank you
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