5 words ~ avocado + hemisphere + gasoline + ceiling + brick
Storm of dust
Choking hemisphere
Grinding wind pinging beads of sand
A neat cage packed with solid ceiling and staunch brick walls
Cannot weather a pinkening avocado bilge of deafening, spiralling breath
And if you think gasoline can take you somewhere beyond nature's cracking whip, you may be surprised to find a gleeful smirk in your gas tank

What a wonderful fib, Gemma. Love the vivid images. But, I am sorry to hear that there have been some bad storms. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice night.
What a great use of the prompt words. Such an imaginative and creative poem. It goes great with the image you posted.
i totally love the hue in that picture... it does however remind me of the color of the glowing cloud of smog that hangs most days over los angeles......which seems to tie in nicely with the gasoline tank laughing at us reference doesn't it.....
I especially liked the 'pickening avocado' and 'the smirk in your gas tank'.
great use of the friday 5. you do have a way with combining ordinary words and creating vivid imaginary. great fib
beautiful description... i can only imagine...
i love the line about gasoline, nice work.
Sorry about the winds there - severe is probably an understatement? Your fib here is superb. Love the imagery!
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