For the first time, I am attempting a villanelle. This is in response to the Poefusion Prompt 19.04.08 ~ The villanelle is a fixed form of nineteen lines consisting of five tercets (three line stanzas) and a quatrain (four line stanza). The first line (refrain) is repeated in lines six, twelve and eighteen while the third line is repeated in lines nine, fifteen and nineteen. These refrains (first/third lines) rhyme with each other and with the opening line of each stanza. The middle lines rhyme with each other to make the rhyme scheme aba.
I put the shell to my ear
Yesterday is coloured blue
Old voices from the sea of fear
No love do I hear
Smiling memories are few
I put the shell to my ear
No closeness for cheer
Youth embalmed in constant dew
Old voices from the sea of fear
Home is just a funeral bier
Latent grey filmy hue
I put the shell to my ear
Tangled garden drawing near
Swampy, muddy, murky view
Old voices from the sea of fear
Cold darkness lives here
Ghostling shapes of you
I put the shell to my ear
Old voices from the sea of fear

oh gemma that final stanza was perfection... and i love the use of that easystreet prompt...
It tells the story and fits the form...first time or not, this rocks girl.
AMAZING. Really. Amazing. I know I am new to this, but I also know what speaks to me ears and heart. You did a fantastic job.
This is wonderful. I have not written a villanelle in at least a year. I'm inspired.
Thank you for visiting me today. I'm very happy to have found your site. Love the autumn photo at the top. It's my favorite time of year and being in California, I have too long to wait for it again.
All my best,
Good for you for trying the villanelle, one of my favorite styles. Very nice!
Your first villanelle was a good try. The last stanza was my favorite too. Thanks for giving this form a try. Have a nice day.
A haunting poem, with echoes of the sea, a past life, emptiness. Well done, with simple, flowing lines that rhyme well!
A difficult form. I'm afraid of it. Takes guts.
The poem is wonderful Gemma ! And it find the style..villanelle. very fascinating . It has this very singsong kind of rhythm to it.
Great work :)
Gemma,you have read the poem about the 39 yr old who died of brain tumor . May I request you to read the other side of the coin .. her husband's point of view . Though a little late in the week I thought I would post that for the Writer's Island prompt of :"Survivor"
Thank you once again for stopping by.
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