3WW Prompt #LXXXIII ~ picture reflected stop
A picture tells half stories ~
There are rare moments
Of deep reflected secrets
When there's more than meets the eye
Summer's sands are iced ~
Surf is a flurry of snow ~
Slipping tired fencelines
Drift silently to somewheres
Locked into magic white earths
But frosty landscapes
Arced, tangled in grizzled shapes
Are ribboned in light ~
The humble path is a stop
To walk in a rainbow sky

I love both the poem and the picture, the refection of the clouds soften the harshness of winter. Well done.
I also loved seeing "Fall" down under--it's easy to forget that while our maples and oaks are budding out others are enjoying the splash of color.
A lovely picture and even lovelier words.
Sometimes we forget that pictures and words need each other "as the sea needs the sand".
love the ending, it would be lovely to walk such a path even temporary
Loved the picture and the poem. Can't decide which one is better though!
The scene, to which you take us along in your poem transforms us to a different magical world.
Both the photo and the poem are great.
I always find it amazing that though a picture's worth 1000 words, it often tells an incomplete story...
Layered life, captured exquisitely, as usual! So many fine phrases and images...
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