Sunday - birch
~~~ One could do worse than be a swinger of birches ~ Robert Frost
The birch tree symbolises purification, re-birth and new beginnings. It is one of the first trees to leaf in springtime. A great water divining wood.
Monday - willow
~~~ The willow tree plays the water like a harp ~ Ramon Gomez de la Serna
This is the tree of intuition. The tree is often assocaiated with witchcraft. It is the tree of dreaming and enchantment. The moon rules the willow. A great water divining wood.
Tuesday - holly
~~~ Love is like the wild rose-briar; Friendship like the holly-tree. The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms, But which will bloom most constantly? ~ Emily Bronte
In Celtic folklore, holly is King of the Waning Year and winter opponent of the oak, the summer tree; protector of family and friends. It is a plant found throughout the world; bears fruit in winter.
Wednesday - hazel
~~~ The hazel might be said to be the quintessential Celtic tree because of its legendary position at the heart of the Otherworld. ~ Mara Freeman
The hazel tree is the tree of wisdom and justice. It is a mystical tree. The tree is frequently to be found by holy wells in Britain and Ireland. Some legends say this tree is immune from all lightning and that the holy family sheltered under this tree. A great water divining wood.
Thursday - oak
~~~ Those green-robed senators of mighty woods, Tall oaks, branch-charmed by the earnest stars, Dream, and so dream all night without a stir. ~ John Keats
In Celtic folklore, the oak is King of the WaxingYear; it is in eternal struggle with the holly in the battle of the seasons. The oak is the symbol of nobility and independence.
Friday - apple
~~~ All millionaires love a baked apple. ~ Ronald Firbank
The apple is the symbol of fertility and immortality. It is, alternatively, symbolic of poison. The apple graces many world legends in both roles.
Saturday - alder
~~~ I am the shining tear of the sun. ~ Alnus
The alder is the symbol of bridges and foundations. It symbolises finding inner strength.
For more references, see: Mystical World Wide Web - Trees + Trees ~ Lore, Myths, Magick, Facts, Folklore, Legends, Esoterica, Superstitions
* A willow by a river is a soft thinking place.
* An oak by a winding highway marks the pride of the journey.
* The oak and the holly: public enemies, secret friends.
* To visualise wisdom, imagine a hazel tree by a sacred well.
* An apple is fruit for the hungry spirit.
* The birch and the alder - arboreal dimensions of the phoenix.
* A tree's branches are the world wide web to the sky.
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