Alpine Mint Bush
Alpine Mint Bush

Australian Bushflower Essences - (Ian White is a renowned practitioner in Australia. Begun in 1986, the Australian Bush Flower Essence repertoire now encompasses 69 individual flower essences and 20 combination Drops, Mists and Creams, the White Light Essences and Antarctic Essence.) Australia has the world's oldest and highest number of flowering plants exhibiting tremendous beauty and strength. Also Australia is relatively unpolluted and metaphysically has a very wise, old energy.
Here are some of my favourites. My choice is only based on a sense of all they are. Listen to the harmonics of the names.
Alpine Mint Bush
+ Revitalization; joy; renewal
- Mental & emotional exhaustion; lack of joy and weight of responsibility of care givers
+ Spiritual discernment; accessing gifts from past lifetimes; releases negative psychic energy; clear spiritual communication
- Interference with true spiritual connection to Higher Self; spiritually possessed
+ Acceptance and open mindedness; embracing new concepts and ideas
- Resistance to change; rigidity; annoyance
+ Letting go; serenity whilst adjusting to change; bonding between mother and child
- Hoarding and holding on emotionally; overwhelmed by life changes
Fringed Violet
+ Removes effects of past and present distress; psychic protection
+ Self approval; self reliance; inner strength
Green Spider Orchid
+ Telepathic communication; ability to withhold information until timing is appropriate; attunement
- Nightmares and phobias from past life experiences; intense negative reactions to the sight of blood
+ Self approval; self reliance; inner strength
- Sense of rejection; being left out; fear of responsibility
Little Flannel Flower
+ Playfulness; joyful; ability to have fun; spontaneity
- Denial of the “child” in the personality; too serious
Sturt Desert Rose
+ Allows one to follow own inner convictions and morality; personal integrity
- Guilt; feeling bad about self because of previous actions; easily led
+ Practical; attention to detail; grounded; focused
- Procrastination; disconnected; spaced out; lack of focus
Tall Mulla Mulla
+ Feeling relaxed and secure with other people; encourages social interaction
- Ill at ease; fear of circulating and mixing; loner; distressed by and avoids confrontation
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