A zookeeper feeds many animals
The turnstile is hungry at holiday time
Almost as hungry as the zookeeper
Anxious to perform tricks
For the zoo director
Chinta the shaggy binny
Yearned for more fruit
Her new
Temporary cage
Was just a
A slight distortion
From dreams
Of everlasting
Fruit trees
But her journey
Of hope
Was just a journey
Of despair
In foreign
Of fruitless
Sanctuary needs stout fences
And earnest zookeepers
Who see
And feel
Holy Grails
Way beyond
Hungry turnstiles
And carnivorous
Zoo directors
Holiday time
Is a good time
To pull down
The circus tents
And get real.
In response to "Zoo Rocked By Abuse Allegations" - "The Age" - Saturday 19.01.08
NOTES: The 40lb. binturong (binnie) is found in southeastern parts of Asia, from far eastern India through southwestern China, Thailand, Laos, Burma, Viet Nam, Malaysia, and parts of Indonesia (Sumatra and Borneo). The westernmost island of the Philippines, Palawan, also has a few. They are plentiful nowhere, though not yet extremely endangered...A binturong is a slow, shaggy, amiable creature who'd far rather be snoozing in a tree than doing anything else in the world except maybe eating a banana. And a tame one is one of the most loveable friends you can have... They have one of the cutest faces in the animal kingdom, shaped like a sea lion's. They can hang by their tails like some monkeys. Ref: What's a Binturong
~~ Posted "Poetry Showcase" - 20.01.08 under AuraGem
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