In distant
A lone
Spectrum of
Many try
To tap
And tag
And ping
The elusive
But success
On veils
Of snow~
On insular
And depths
Of snowdrifts
In response to the article "Collar 'key' to the snow leopards secrets" - BBC News - 16.01.08 Lying somewhere in the mountainous, snow-cloaked terrain of Pakistan's Tooshi Game Reserve is a collar that could help unlock the secrets of the elusive snow leopard.
For the past year, this piece of hi-tech equipment has sat around the neck of a wild snow leopard, recording, via the global positioning system (GPS), almost every step of her travels as she roamed the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Well organised details about the snow leopard can be found at Defenders of Wildlife Snow leopards are found at altitudes between 9800 and 17,000 feet in the high, rugged mountains of Central Asia. Their range spans from Afghanistan to Kazakstan and Russia in the north to India and China in the east. China contains about 60% of snow leopard habitat. They have already disappeared from certain parts of Mongolia, which is part of their historic range.
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