Surreal by Rogervd on Deviant Art
In my mind
Sharing an exotic
Hawaiian cocktail
An endless ocean of bliss
In my mind
Dreaming on an endless ocean
Means touching worlds
Kissed by endless rainbows
In my mind
White purling skies
Refract blue light
In my mind
A touch of wings
Is just my soul
Surreal eternity
I like the lightness of this poem. It's almost like I could fly along with your words!
i have seen the wings of your soul... and they are ever so delicately beautiful.... thank you for this....
"White purling skies..." to use the language this expertly raises your work to another level beyond simple contemplation. The word "purl" reflects eddies, swirls, even soft murmurring sounds, perhaps knit by angels! And its homophonic is "pearl!" Beautiful imagery!
Wonderful word wizardry!
Oh, how lovely - just lovely!
I love the purling skies too
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