Autumn in Victoria, Australia.

Option Four: Pick Three
The first day of spring was once the time for taking the young virgins into the fields, there in dalliance to set an example in fertility for nature to follow. Now we just set the clocks an hour ahead and change the oil in the crankcase.– E.B. White
Pick at least three of the following eight words, and write a paragraph, scene, flash-fic, essay, blog entry or poem using them. It’s fine to change tenses, or pluralize if you want to, but please bold the words you choose.
spring, change, virgin, dalliance, fertile, nature, oil, crank
The colours of Autumn are warm
For a little while ~
Like a dalliance
A sigh
A moment of
Wimpering delight
Trying to crank out
Mystic memories ~
But these last chimes of summer
Are destined to
The melancholic wisdom
Of aging
Nature's seers
The Cycles of Time
But this Fall becomes
A Phoenix rising ~
Change is when
A Bridesmaid becomes
A Bride
A lingering sleep
In a white world of ice
And then
The oil of
Its magic innocence ~
A white wonderland
Into budding
Of Virgin Spring
Hi Gemma,
I really like the last stanza. You have such interesting choice of words such as: "oil of / Sunlight". That phrase stood out to me the most. The poem itself radiates with beauty and innocence.
Thanks for sharing.
The title 'Autumn is the bridesmaid of spring' is very interesting. I really loved the poem. It was very apt for the theme of the month- 'Change'.
This poem will stay in my mind for a long time.
i live in a temperate climate,, more or less we seem to have two seasons spring and fall... with a couple of cold days and a couple of hot days thrown in as if to punctuate the remainder of the year... this was a beautiful remembrance for me,, having lived my childhood years in a place with four distinct seasons,, each very boldly its own... thanks for the memories....
This was lovely. You have a unique descriptive flair.
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