2008 Peace Globe designed by Gemma Wiseman for BlogBlast for Peace, a wonderful international movement for peace run by Mimi Lenox.
I want to keeep this message going, heading my peace post each year!
Pic by Gemma Wiseman ~ Peace is a light
Peace is a light
Breaking any darkness
Peace is inner happiness
Driving the meaning of life
Pic by Gemma Wiseman ~ A symbol of inner peace
Peace nourishes the body
Peace nurtures the soul

Peace ,the Peaceglobe worker bees were talking about how Australia would be posting already . So I decided to start searching and found your lovely and inspiring blog. Thanks for taking the time to spread Peace.
Greetings fellow peace blogger! How wonderful to discover my 1st siting for BlogBlast for Peace 2010 in your post!
May the Peace swirl the world!
more power to you!
Peace be with you. Thank you for the light.
Sometimes less words say more...and yours do.
Peace to you, Gemma x
Oh, btw, love your globe...Brilliant! :-)
Gemma what an awesome peace globe I seriously love the message!
In Peace~
The Greyscale Territory is so beautiful and a great start for Blog Blast for Peace.
I love this buddha. A lovely reminder to look within. And I see you've joined the midweek blues below, too. Magnificent sky and water.
Wonderful. Peace be with you.
I am an Aussie too.
Peace, grant us peace. I love your peace globe.
nice post. Peace!
"Mass construction..." Wonderful. Love the Buddah photo. Peace.
Most excellent pics! Peace is a builder!
Namaste ☮ & ♥
Peace to you and yours!
Indeed you have! I have always loved the quote on this peace globe. I'm so glad you are keeping it going each year.
Thank you for blogging the peace, Gemma.
If you have a FB presence, please let me know so that I can tie this into the albums there.
Peace to you and yours,
#1918 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery at blogblastforpeace.com
Still think "Peace is the weapon of mass construction" has to be one of the best phrases I've seen on my rounds...
Your peace post is now linked in my blog: Peace Bloggers Unite
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