Have you ever felt really fragile. When you feel hard work, strong dreams and goals somehow crumble under the weight of "enough is never enough". I had one of those long moments today. Money is always a looming issue with us, ponderous like a waiting storm cloud. We try so hard to be positive, but sometimes it seems being positive only stalls reality. It has to be faced sometime. Once, we both owned our own homes, but we both lost everything in tragic circumstances. But we found each other; we are the ultimate strength for each other. But right now, I just don't know what to do next. There has to be a way, some miracle. I honestly believe it is out there somewhere.
So, after a heavy day at school, and thinking retiring to live my dream as a writer just seems further and further away, I decided to simply walk in the evening light.
~The air was scented with storm and sharp sunset light. It felt invigorating. The street was quiet. I could just see glimpses of the bay far below my mountain. I ached for a miracle and almost felt an involuntary prayer escape me to the skies above. And as I walked I felt a kind of hush seeping through me.
It may have been the roses in the gardens. It may have been the whispering greens of pittosporums that seemed to brush close by me. But I felt the aura of a blessing circling round and over me.
And then I saw a thin, tatty letterbox. Clearly, it had survived violent mountain weathers and still was standing, stubbornly. It almost seemed to be stating, "I will be here". I smiled. It was the first precious smile in my day.
~ An angel bringing a gift in the form of a humble letterbox!
~ I am still smiling!
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